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Thursday, October 30, 2008

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you know why some christian really pissed me off? (i mean SOME christian and not meaning ALL. only partial should i say.) is that they worship their god so much like they can't live on another day without god. now i didn't mean to offend you people out there, i've got friends that are christian, moderate one and extreme one. let me state a point. RELIGIONS ARE GOOD. christian, catholic, islam, buddist, hindu etc etc. they all teaches us to be a better person and contribute to the community well. but well, some christians just being so extreme. i once heard my friend said that his father told him that if he is gonna be a christian, don't ever thank the god for giving you the meals before he eat because his FATHER gave him the food. which i quite agree to that point. think of it, your parents work hard everyday to earn money and give you the best to raise you up as a completely developed adult, and now you are thanking your god for all this? i mean the one you have to thank so much is your parents. well, for as far as i know, some people call their god FATHER. seriously, who is the one working bloody hard out there as the financial support of your family? another thing is that christians like to convert other ppl to join them. i once go to the christian fellowship in sunway college and it was the scariest experience in my life. i can understand you sing to praise your god, but with tears? with your arm so up high like you are touching your god? i was shocked to see that. i felt like i was in some cults meeting. then they was sharing their 'experience with god' with each others. some say if it wasn't because of god, they can't achieve what they have achieved for now. they had to depend on god to do achieve their goal in their life. ok, again i agree that it is good for people to have faith on something like religions and you repose yourself in it. this is what religion made perfect for the human beings. but having doing too much is just sort of getting carried away. after i attended that christian fellowship thingy or should i say i just kind of ran away from it because i was too weak for all these god thingy, i can swear that i would never become a christian nor i will allow my kids to be one. well, i still believe that christianity is good. at least it is good for a non-extremist. anything too extreme is bad already. like some terrorist in the middle east distort islam. which lead to the world thinks that islam is evil when that is only some extremist that carry the name of islam to do terrible things. and i used to think buddist is the best religion of all because it only teaches us to do good things to prevent bad karma on you and the doctrine are all no-nonsense. but when i listen to the monks to ask me to say namoamitabha a hundred times per day for 49 days to help my grandfather have peace in another world, i somehow feel that this is a bit unreasonable. for i believe in karma, i feel that my grandfather will have peace in there if he had been behaved good and done good things when he was in this world.
anyway, let me emphasize again, i did not mean to offend any religion here. but just to discuss on the phenomenom that i have seen. correct me if there is any mistakes i made.